Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Philosophie
Habelschwerdter Allee 30
14195 Berlin
Universität Konstanz
Fachbereich Philosophie
Universitätstrasse 10
78464 Konstanz

Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Philosophie
Habelschwerdter Allee 30
14195 Berlin
Universität Konstanz
Fachbereich Philosophie
Universitätstrasse 10
78464 Konstanz

11/2019 Stefan Fischer and I are organizing a Workshop on Moral Terms, Slurs, and Hybrid Expressivism with David Copp (UC Davies) at the University of Konstanz.
11/2019 Paper has been accepted

Prof. Dr. Jochen Briesen
Professur für Theoretische Philosophie
Philosophisches Seminar
Universität Heidelberg
Schulgasse 6
69117 Heidelberg
​I am a Professor of Philosophy, specializing in Theoretical Philosophy, at the University of Heidelberg. My main research interests focus on both systematic and historical issues in epistemology, philosophy of language, and aesthetics. My work also involves interdisciplinary collaborations with cognitive scientists, psychologists, and cultural scientists.
Before coming to Heidelberg, I held positions in the philosophy departments at the University of Bonn, the University of Konstanz, Humboldt-University Berlin, the University of Cologne, and Freie Universität Berlin. Additionally, I have been a visiting scholar at Harvard University, Uppsala University, and NYU.
Besides philosophy, I am interested in art, music, and skateboarding. Between 2004 and 2009, I composed and played music, recording several albums with three different projects: Gaston, Taunus, and Semuin. You can listen to some tracks here here, here, and here ...
11/2024 I have co-edited a handbook on philosophical aesthetics with Lisa Schmalzried and Christoph Demmerling. The handbook, titled Handbuch: Philosophische Ästhetik, is in German and published by Schwabe Verlag.
10/2024 I have started my new position in Heidelberg and am very much looking forward to the new tasks and challenges, as well as to collaborating with my colleagues.
4/2024 Since the beginning of March 2024, I have held the position of Visiting Scholar at NYU, focusing on the development and discussion of new ideas for my Heisenberg project, which lies at the intersection of aesthetics and epistemology. I am eager to share some of these ideas at a Brown Bag Talk scheduled for April 25th at NYU. Additionally, from April 7th to 15th, I will be traveling to the southern United States to present and discuss new works on aesthetics with fellow aestheticians and philosophers at the University of Georgia (April 8th) and Auburn University (April 9th, 10th & 12th).
11/2023 Good news! The Fritz Thyssen Foundation has accepted our funding application for the interdisciplinary conference "Insights Through Metaphors." I am organizing the conference in collaboration with Jacob Hesse (Ruhr University Bochum). It will take place in June 2024 and will address questions concerning the epistemic value of metaphors, particularly in connection with their aesthetic dimension. The conference is designed to be transdisciplinary and will feature presentations from epistemologists, philosophers of science, philosophers of language, linguists, experts in cultural studies, and art historians. More information will follow.
11/2023 I will spend several months in the first half of 2024 as a Visiting Scholar at the Philosophy Department of NYU.
10/2023 From October 2022 to March 2023, I will work as a professor for philosophy at the University of Cologne (substituting for Prof. Dr. Sven Bernecker).
​09/2023 I will present a joint study with Pascal Willemsen on the difference between 'tasty' and 'beautiful' at the 3rd European Experimental Philosophy Conference in Zurich (14th–16th Sept.), I will give a presentation on the semantics and pragmatics of aesthetic judgments at Universität Basel (26th Sept.).​
​08/2023 My paper "Aesthetic judgments, evaluative content, and (hybrid) expressivism" is accepted for publication in Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy.
07/2023 I will give a presentation at a conference on understanding, Department of Philosophy II, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Link.
06/2023 My paper "The acquaintance inference and hybrid expressivism" is accepted for publication in Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
12/2022 My paper "In defence of science: Two ways to rehabilitate Reichenbach's vindication of induction" is accepted for publication in The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
12/2022 I am giving a talk at the Institutskolloquium, Philosophy Department, Goethe Universität Frankfurt a. M. (Link).
10/2022: I have organized two conferences in October 2022 at the University of Konstanz. See "Workshop/Conferences".
09/2022: I will give two presentations at GAP 11 (Sept. 12–15). One in aesthetics: "Institutional and symbol-theoretic definitions of "art". And one in epistemology: "Zwei Verteidigungen von Reichenbachs Lösung des Induktionsproblems."
From October 2022 to March 2023, I will work as a professor for philosophy at the University of Cologne (substituting for Prof. Dr. Sven Bernecker.)
06/2022: I am giving a talk at a conference at the University of Zürich: "Dual Character Concepts, Normative Generics and Evaluative Language" (16–17 June 2022). I am also invited to give a presentation at the Cognition, Values & Behaviour Research Group (CVBE) at LMU-Munich (29. June 2022).
05/2022: I have been invited to an interesting conference organized by the Mind-the-Meaning research group in Mannheim: "Varieties of Philosophical Expressivism" (19–21 May 2022, Mannheim). For more information see: here.
02/2022: Our application for funding was accepted by the Thyssen Foundation. The foundation will financially support our conference "Knowledge, Art, and Art Mediation" at documenta, August 2022. And the Centre for Cultural Studies (ZKF, University Konstanz) will fund our conference "Aesthetic Testimony--Historical and Systematic Perspectives" at the University of Konstanz. Thank you!
For more information, see here.
01/2022: Our paper "Sein und Kunst -- Zum epistemischen Wert der Kunst bei Heidegger" is accepted for publication in Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung. The paper is a collaboration with Heidegger-scholar PD Dr. Rico Gutschmidt.
01/2022: I have written a comment on Olaf Müller's book "Zu schön, um falsch zu sein: Über die Ästhetik in der Naturwissenschaft" (Fischer 2019). The comment will be published in Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung.
10/2021: My paper "Elgin on science, art, and understanding" will be published in Erkenntnis. You will find the online version of the paper here: open access.
9/2021: Our interdisciplinary symposium "Art, Knowledge, and Art Mediation" (which I am organizing with art mediator Jelena Toopeekoff) will be part of the official program of documenta15 in Kassel, 2022. More information soon...
04/2021: My paper "Der Urteilsbegriff und Wissen aus zweiter Hand in der Ästhetik" will be published in Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie.
02/2021: I will co-edit the research series "Perspektiven der Analytischen Philosophie" (Mentis) together with Ulla Wessels. If you are interested in submitting a manuscript, please contact me. See call for manuscripts here.
01/2021: A few months ago I have been accepted to the Heisenberg Programme of the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). The generous five-year funding period will start in April 2021. The title of my research project is: "The knowledge of art and the art of knowledge (Die Erkenntnis der Kunst und die Kunst des Erkennens)".
06/2020: Our paper "I like how it looks but it is not beautiful – Sensory appeal beyond beauty" has been published in Poetics. The paper is a collaboration with cognitive psychologists Prof. Dr. Claus-Christian Carbon and Dr. Claudia Muth.
03/2020: My new book "Ästhetische Urteile und ästhetische Eigenschaften" is in print and will be published by Klostermann in May 2020.
01/2020: I will work as a visiting professor at Humboldt-University Berlin next semester.
12/2019: I've been invited to give a presentation at the Colloquium of the Institute for Philosophy II, Ruhr-University Bochum. The presentation will be on Jan. 29th and I will talk about: Reichenbach and Meta-Induction.
11/2019: Stefan Fischer and I are organizing a workshop on moral terms, slurs, and hybrid expressivism with David Copp (UC Davies) at the University of Konstanz.
Date: 8. November 2019. Further information...
10/2019: I have received the LUKS Teaching Award (University of Konstanz). Thank you!